3 quick Yoga Asanas to get relief from back pain
They say that sitting is the new smoking because of all the negative impacts of our sedentary lifestyle.
Sitting at a desk or computer all day goes hard on more than just your eyes. It effects your posture, metabolism, risk of anxiety and depression leading to obesity, to name a few…
Bad posture is linked to back aches, cardiovascular issues, digestion issues and gradually deforming the curve of the spine leading towards a whole new level of back pain.
Yoga is a fantastic way to combat the negative effects of sitting at a desk all day and other things that contribute to bad posture. In addition to straightening your posture, some poses will also help you open up emotionally, heal old wounds, be perceived in a better light, and embrace the world of abundance. Who doesn’t want that?!
Here are 3 quick asanas to help combat the the negative impacts of our sedentary lifestyle.
Adho mukha svanasana (Downward facing dog)

Marjaryasana (cat/cow pose)

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Yoga Is an efficient way to combat the adversity of bad posture.
By strengthening and stretching the shoulders, chest, back, and abdominals (areas commonly affected by sitting all day), these yoga poses will help you stand taller, live with an open heart, and help to relieve any discomfort that comes with bad posture from sitting.