i.The terms and conditions mentioned herein include general terms and conditions for use of this Site, terms and conditions relating to the services provided by Sattva life yoga on the site and in our studio.

ii.These Terms and Conditions are incorporated into the Registration Form and any Membership or usage of this site is subject to these Terms and Conditions as amended from time to time.

iii.Sattva life Yoga reserves the right to vary and revoke these Terms and Conditions from time to time which it may consider necessary or desirable for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Studios and/or the conduct of Members. Any such changes will be published on the Website and, until revoked, are binding on Members.

iv.The users of the site, should note, that the use of the site is strictly on the user becoming a member of Sattva Life. All disclosures regarding health should be made.

v.Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Your use of the Site, the purchase of any Products or Services on this Site or in a studio will be subject to these terms and conditions. And you now hereby agree to our terms and conditions.



Classes are always subject to availability but at Sattva life Yoga we will always do our best to accommodate you in your chosen class. Out of consideration for the trainer and other members, and also for your own safety (the warm-up is an important aspect of each class) please make it on time.

Classes require three or more people in order to take place.



Members with low/high blood pressure and/or cardiac irregularities and/or any form of respiratory issues/irregularities should not attend class until they have written permission from their doctor.

If there is any doubt, the Member should consult his doctor. Members must notify us of any circumstances affecting their health, which may be exacerbated through continues use of the Sessions.


Important Liability Statement

The information available on or through this Site, and the Services supplied via or in connection with this Site do not constitute medical advice and it is your responsibility to determine, through obtaining appropriate medical advice, that you are fit and well and that such contents and services are suitable for you, your health and body. It is not our responsibility to do so. Before commencing any exercise regime, you should consult your doctor.

In consideration of Sattva life Yoga accepting a person as a Member, the Member agrees that Neither Sattva life Yoga, nor its instructors and employees are responsible for any injuries suffered by the member caused whole or in part by the Member’s failure to follow the instructions of the instructor or by any physical impairment of mine not fully disclosed to the Studios in writing.

It is also vital that you supply us with correct information about yourself. We cannot be liable for any incorrect information supplied by you to us. We try to make sure that all information contained on this web site (and provided by us to you as part of any Services or Products) is correct, but, subject to the paragraph below, we do not accept any liability for any error or omission and exclude all liability for any action you (your legal representatives, heirs) may take or loss or injury you may suffer (direct or indirect including loss of pay, profit, opportunity or time, pain and suffering, any indirect, consequential or special loss, however arising) as a result of relying on any information on this web site or provided through any Service supplied by us to you.

Neither Sattva life Yoga, nor its instructors and employees are responsible for loss or damage to a Member’s personal belongings.

Sattva life Yogareserves the right to change the class schedule, including cancellation of individual classes and change of instructor without notice

You, your legal representatives and your heirs release waive, discharge and covenant, not to sue Sattva life Yoga and its instructors for any injury or death caused by their negligence or other acts.



For security reasons Members are advised to place all their valuables in a safe place.

Members are requested to wear clothing that preserves their dignity throughout the full range of movement that constitutes a Yoga Class. Underpants, thongs underneath tights, swimming costumes are not considered appropriate.

No food/alocohol/drugs are to be consumed within the studio/venue.

In the event of a fire, Members are asked to make their way to the nearest available exit.



Sattva life Yoga warrants that the Services will be supplied with reasonable skill and care and to the best of the knowledge of the Trainer. The Client Shall not transfer sessions to any other person or permit them to be used by anyone other than the Client. Any assignment, transfer or disposal of courses is at the sole discretion of the Master Trainer and may only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. Class fees are non refundable.

Class fees may be increased by Sattva life Yoga at any time. The Proprietor shall give the Clients not less than 14 days notice prior to any such increases.

Details of class times at the Studio may vary from time to time. Classes will be published by the Studio and will be available at the Studio or on our Website(s).



Usage of your personal information is governed by Sattva life Yoga privacy policy, which forms part of these Terms and Conditions.



You are referred to the important liability statement at the top of these terms and conditions. Subject to that statement you agree that your use of this Site and the Service is on an “as is” “what is” and “as available” basis. On that basis, except as expressly set out in these terms, Sattva life Yoga does not enter into conditions, warranties or other terms in relation to the Site or the Services (including any implied term relating to quality, fitness for a particular purpose) or any guaranteed or predicted result.

The Site may include links to external sites and co-branded pages. Sattva life Yoga has included links to these sites and co-branded pages to provide you with access to information and services that you may find useful or interesting, However, Sattva life Yoga is not responsible for the content of these site and pages or for anything provided by them.

Subject to the important liability statement, Sattva life Yoga is not liable for failure to comply with these terms and conditions due to any event beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, the input of incorrect information by you.



Sattva life Yoga may suspend the operation of the Site for repair or maintenance work or in order to update or upgrade the contents or functionality of the Site from time to time or in the event of closure. Access to or use of the Site or any Sites or pages linked to it will be not necessarily be uninterrupted or error free.

Sattva life Yoga may terminate the Service immediately in the event you breach any of these terms and conditions or do not pay any sums due to Sattva life Yoga (including if the credit/debit card you use is not valid or does not work for another reason).



No contract will exist in relation to the Services until we have confirmed to you by email the particulars of your order, the value of your order and the Services (as applicable) you have purchased.



Information displayed on the Site or in our studio as to pricing and availability is subject to change by Sattva life Yoga without notice. The same shall be binding on the purchaser.



Class size is Sattva life Yoga Limited operates a “first come first served” booking policy. However, for the busy evening classes the Studios offer online reservations for Members who hold current class packs.

A reservation holds a space in a class until 10 minutes before the start of class. All unallocated spaces are returned to “first come first served” spaces for that class.

A Member arriving with less than 10 minutes before the start of class is not guaranteed a space in that class.



The information and exercises provided within this web site are to be used at your own discretion and under professional guidance. They are not offered as a replacement or substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone, and making use of this or any other exercise program may result in injury. If you believe that you may suffer from a physical or emotional impairment, we strongly recommend that you seek advice from a licensed health care professional before embarking on this or any other exercise program.

Pregnant women should not practice any twists or abdominal tightening poses, and should consult with their doctor before beginning any exercise or yoga program.

All purchases are non-refundable and non-transferable. Passes and memberships may not be shared.

All students must have a unique online account associated with a unique email address. Friends and family members may not share the same email address.

Every effort is made to hold class on time. The schedule is subject to change without prior notice. Please check the online schedule for the most up-to-date schedule.

Sattva life Yoga is not responsible for the safekeeping of your personal belongings.

Sattva Life Yoga is not responsible for the health issues of any member.

Front doors are locked at the start of every class. For safety reasons, no late entry is permitted and leaving class early is strongly discouraged.

Sattva life Yoga reserves the right to refuse entry.

The use of Mobile Phones is prohibited. They shall be kept on Silent mode.

Upon becoming member or using the free classes available to non-members, you absolve Sattva Life of any liability. You expressly waive and release any claim that you may have at any time for injury of any kind against Sattva Life, or any person or entity involved with Sattva Life, including without limitation its directors, principals, instructors, independent contractors, employees, agents, contractors, affiliates and representatives. If you have any injuries or health concerns, it is your responsibility to consult with a health care provider before practicing yoga. Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment.


Additional Questions? Please email info@sattvalife.yoga.com