Conclusion: Empowering Children Through Yoga

Children today are under a lot of stress. School pressures, incessant lessons, video games, malls, and competitive sports. — it all adds up. And just like their parents, kids too can benefit from Yoga. When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life’s challenges with a little more ease. Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that’s noncompetitive.

Here is a more detailed explanation of how teaching yoga to kids can have a positive impact on children’s well-being:

  • Yoga helps children in dealing with their Anxiety. 
  • The breathing exercises and relaxing techniques taught in the yoga class helps children with stress management. Teaching them how to reduce stress in a healthy way serves as an important life skill that will help them as children and as adults.
  • Yoga boosts children’s self-esteem. 
  • Yoga for kids does wonders for their self-esteem. Perfecting a pose or improving their balance and flexibility gives young children a sense of empowerment.
  • Yoga increases children’s body awareness and mindfulness. 
  • Practicing a variety of yoga poses helps children learn about their bodies and the movements they’re capable of doing.
  • Yoga enhances children’s concentration and memory. 
  • One of the biggest benefits of kid’s yoga is that the different types of moves requires children to focus and work on their memorization skills—both of which can translate over into their academic performance.
  • Yoga develops children’s strength, co-ordination and flexibility.
  • Yoga helps children strengthen their growing bodies. Improved co-ordination, balance and flexibility helps them reduce their chance of injury. 
  • Yoga teaches discipline and reduces impulsivness. 
  • Yoga can reduce challenging behaviors by providing a physical outlet to express themselves. It also teaches them about discipline as they work on clearing their minds and perfecting their poses.

Children in reality are natural yogis. Their innate ability to trust in others in combination with their lack of inhibitions, allows them to receive the teachings of yoga and grow from them in inspiring ways.